Sunday, 25 November 2012

In Your House 20: No Way Out - February 15th 1998

First of all, this event seems to be called both No Way Out and No Way Out Of Texas. It is the twentieth In Your House event.

The show opens with a video recapping the dumpster incident between Cactus Jack, Chainsaw Charlie and the WWF Tag Team Champions, the New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn), two weeks ago on Raw.

We move into the Free For All. No Way Out is in Houston, Texas. Dok Hendrix is in the ring shilling the pay-per-view. Hendrix announces that Shawn Michaels will be unable to compete tonight, and a mystery man will partner Triple H and the New Age Outlaws in his place. This new is greeted with loud boos.

Hendrix announces that the Eight Man Tag Team Match main event will be a non-sanctioned, anything goes, one fall to a finish match. The crowd pop for this. Footage airs of Triple H and Chyna arriving at the arena in a limo. Triple H is on his cell phone, apparently either talking to Shawn Michaels or his mystery partner. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is shown arriving at the building. Hendrix says he will be talking to Triple H and Chyna later in the Free For All, and he will attempt to find out who their mystery partner is.

Hendrix throws to Michael Cole, who hypes the Ten Man Tag War Of Attrition. Cole hypes Shamrock's history with The Nation Of Domination. We are then shown a recap of what happened between the participants of this match on last Monday's Raw. Cole runs through the different ways you can order the pay-per-view, and tells us that if we send in our cable bill we will receive a free WWF: The Music Volume 2 CD for $5. Cole says Sunny is on the way.

A video package airs on Ken Shamrock. The Superstar Line is hyped. Post match interviews will be available all night. Nice touch. A video package airs hyping tonight's main event, as well as Vader VS Kane. Time for some crowd shots.

Sunny is backstage and she says the match she is most looking forward to is Vader VS Kane. She hypes both men as monsters. She is waiting to get an interview with Vader. She fluffs her lines and says Kane, but quickly corrects herself.

A video package airs hyping Vader. He really does look like a monster. The video transitions into a video hyping Kane. He looks like even more of a monster. Obviously, the video then shows what has happened so far between Vader and Kane. This video was excellently produced. I was hyped for this match beforehand, but am even more hyped now.

Sunny interviews Vader. Vader says he "worries about no man" and tonight Kane faces "his own annihilation, his own destruction." Vader fluffs his lines, calling the WWF "the World Federation" before freezing for a moment.

When Vader asks Sunny what time it is, she says "it's about 15 minutes away from the pay-per-view." Road Warrior Animal then walks out behind Vader and realizes he wasn't supposed to do that. Pretty funny.

After Vader says "it's Vader time," Sunny throws to Kevin Kelly, who is with Jim Cornette. Cornetts is providing online coverage of  No Way Out on AOL. Cornette rants about the NWA and tradition. Kelly hypes the online coverage. Up next we'll hear from the New Age Outlaws.

A video package airs advertising a Steve Austin t-shirt, followed by a video package hyping the athletic credentials of various WWF Superstars, as well as the injuries they've suffered. Yet another video package airs - a repeat of the main event hype.

The Western Union Rewind is Sable slapping TAFKA Goldust on Raw, causing him to lose to Thrasher; followed by Sable slapping Luna Vachon.

Michael Cole hypes The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher) VS "Marvelous" Marc Mero and TAFKA Goldust. How will Sable and Luna co-exist? The New Age Outlaws interrupt Cole. They say they've "had fun the last two weeks on Raw." We are shown footage of the dumpster incident from two weeks ago. James mocks Jim Ross's commentary. We are shown footage from the camera inside the dumpster the N.A.O. threw off the stage, with dummies inside dressed as Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie, on this past Monday's Raw. A chainsaw begins to cut through the N.A.O's dressing room door. The N.A.O. flee.

A video package airs hyping the main event. It highlights the actions of DX and N.A.O., as well as hyping up the history between Steve Austin and Owen Hart, who are teammates tonight. This was a nice touch, I'm glad they're not just ignoring that history. Apparently tonight, Shawn Michaels "will manipulate from the sidelines" and will "handpick his successor." None of those things happen.

Dok Hendrix interviews Triple H and Chyna. Hendrix asks who their mystery partner is. Triple H's phone rings. Triple H takes the call and walks off and the Free For All ends with Hendrix in hard-sell mode. Did the mystery partner attract more buys? If it did, I have a feeling those who bought it just to see who it was may have been left feeling disappointed.

A video package airs hyping Shawn Michaels at No Way Out. Uh, what? We've just spent the past half an hour wondering who his replacement will be, and now they're hyping Michaels?

The main event hype video package airs again.

A video package airs hyping all the main matches.

We move into the pay-per-view. No Way Out is in Houston, Texas. Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler are on commentary. They wonder who will replace Michaels and draw the conclusion that no one can really replace Michaels. At least they're not getting our hopes up.

"Marvelous" Marc Mero enters with Sable. Mero makes Sable hold the ropes open for him and then remove his robe. TAFKA Goldust enters with Luna Vachon. Looks like Goldust is sticking with the Marilyn Manson look. We are shown a recap of what happened with Sable this past Monday. Mero tells the fans who are chanting for Sable to shut up. He tells Luna there is only room in the ring for one "beautiful lady" and orders Sable to "get the hell out of here." Ross says Mero and Goldust are both insecure. The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher) enter.

The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) VS "Marvelous" Marc Mero & TAFKA Goldust (with Luna Vachon)

Mero and Luna are very distracted by the crowd chanting for Sable. Mero and Mosh start it out. Mero works his boxing gimmick. Mero misses an elbow in the corner and Mosh clotheslines Mero over the top rope to the floor. Back in the ring, Mosh tags Thrasher and they double team Mero,. Goldust tags in and gets caught with a drop toe hold. Thrasher tags Mosh who nails a double axe handle off the top rope. Mosh and Thrasher are working the quick tags well. Thrasher front suplexes Mosh from the top rope onto Goldust. Nice move.

Mero breaks up the pin attempt. Mosh hits a nice dropkick and tags in Thrasher. More double teaming. Thrasher applies a headlock, but gets too close to Mero, allowing Mero to make the blind tag. Mero hits a running knee lift, followed by an elbow drop for a two count. A very loud "Sable" chant erupts. Thrasher floors Mero with three shoulder blocks. When he attempts a fourth, Goldust pulls down the tope rope and Thrasher goes over and lands on the floor. Luna lays in kicks to Thrasher on the floor. Goldust drops him face first into the steel ring steps. First match. I wonder how many times the steps will be used tonight? Throughout all of this, the referee is, of course, distracted. Mero goes to the outside and slams Thrasher's face into the steps, before rolling him back in. Thrasher is bleeding. A blade job in the opening match.

Mero stomps Thrasher's bleeding head. Goldust tags in and hits a flying clothesline for a two count. Mero tags in. Time for some double teaming from the heels, followed by a rest hold. Mero applies a chinlock. Thrasher fights out but gets caught with a knee to the gut. Mero notices he has Thrasher's blood on his hands and is disgusted. This is pretty funny. A loud "Mero sucks" chant starts. Mero is furious. Mero is getting good heel heat here. Mero nails an uppercut and makes the tag. Goldust immediately goes for the pin and gets a two count, not once, but twice. Thrasher ducks a clothesline and lands a cross body block for a two count. Goldust takes control again and tags in Mero. Mero tells the referee to check that Thrasher is fit to continue. As he does, Mero removes the tape from his right fist. Mero then directs the referee towards Mosh before choking Thrasher with the tape. Mero hits a sloppy sit-out powerbomb. Mero works the crowd before setting Thrasher up for the TKO. Thrasher counters it into a DDT. 

Both men struggle to beat the ten count and head for their corners. Mero tags Goldust, who can't stop Thrasher making the hot tag to Mosh. Mosh comes in and cleans house. A miraculously recovered Thrasher helps his partner hit a double flapjack on Goldust. Mero breaks up a pin attempt. Thrasher goes to the top rope but is knocked off it by Luna. Goldust tags Mero. Sable makes her way to the ring to a huge pop. Mero hits the TKO on Mosh. Mero and Goldust have to retreat to the outside to keep Sable and Luna apart. In the ring, Thrasher switches places with Mosh. Mero gets back in the ring and is caught with a small package for the three count at around 14 minutes. The faces cheated to win.

Sable wants Luna in the ring. Mero and Goldust manage to keep the two women apart with the help of officials. Goldust carries Luna to the back. Mero is furious with Sable. Sable has apparently finally had enough of Mero, and she shoves him to the mat. The crowd love it.

ANALYSIS: This match was pretty enjoyable. The psychology was mostly good, although there was some silliness. Was Thrasher really any fresher than Mosh at the end? Sure Mosh had taken a TKO, but there had been plenty of recovery time, and it was Thrasher who had taken a beating for most of the match. It also ended with the faces cheating to win, which wasn't good. It's not like Mero and Goldust overly cheated and this was payback. Also, why did Sable all of sudden return and want to fight Luna? I don't like steps shots and juice in the opening match. Undoubtedly Sable is the star in this picture, and the dissension between her and Mero moved forward another step, as did her feud with Luna. Mero was very over as a heel, and he used some good heat seeking tactics, but once Sable leaves him so will his heat. The Headbangers worked well as a team. They were good solid hands, although their characters were getting stale by this point. *3/4

Kevin Kelly is backstage at the Superstar Line with The Jackyl. Throughout the night they will be covering No Way Out. Jackyl hints about the possibility of Kurrgan being the mystery man in the main event. Kelly plugs the Superstar Line.

Michael Cole is backstage with the European Champion, Owen Hart. Cole's microphone doesn't work at first. Cole asks Owen Hart about the mystery man and about how he will co-exist with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Owen says he doesn't "give a damn" who the mystery man is. He warns Austin to stay out of his way and he'll stay out of Austin's. Owen then addresses Triple H, saying he's not done with him and he's going to "bust his legs." Maybe he'll kick his leg out of his leg. I really like this Owen character, he's believable as a moody loner who has become cynical due to recent events.

Sunny enters. She's doing her usual guest ring announcer brief. El Pantera enters to no reaction. We are shown a recap of events between the Light Heavyweights on last Monday's Raw, when Pantera pinned Taka Michinoku in a tag team match, following the use of a foreign object. The Light Heavyweight Champion, Taka Michinoku enters. Sunny kisses Taka. Brian Christopher makes his way to ringside and joins commentary.

Light Heavyweight Title Match:

(C) Taka Michinoku VS El Pantera

Pantera lays in some chops. Taka replies a spinning heel kick and chops of his own. Pantera hits that old luchadore favourite - the arm drag. Taka ends up outside the ring. Pantera dives on  him. Jim Ross talks about the "family resemblance" between Jerry Lawler and Brian Christopher. More flippy floppy moves sees Panter end up outside the ring. Taka dives on him from the top rope. Christopher says Taka has cheated him out of the Light Heavyweight Title. Christopher and Lawler crack some racist jokes. Taka hits some nice dropkicks. Pantera head scissors Taka from the top rope and sends him to the floor. This was a well executed move. Pantera topes Taka, driving his back into the security railing. Christopher calls Taka "slant eyed." Wow.

In the ring, Pantera hits a double arm underhook back breaker. He follows that with a camel clutch. Focusing on the back? Psychology from a WWF lucahdore? Wonders will never cease. Taka manages to get to the ropes. Pantera kicks Taka's lower back and follows that with a surfboard. I enjoyed this little bit of storytelling.

Taka fights back but gets backdropped over the top rope to the floor. Taka got great elevation here. Pantera dives on Taka on the floor, catching Taka's lower back with his head. This was a risky and well executed move. Pantera continues to work on the back with a variety of holds and strikes. Taka fights back but is caught on the top rope with a hurricanrana. Pantera slams Taka down hard on his back and stands on his chest. The referee counts two and Pantera inexplicably steps off Taka to climb to the top rope. Pantera nails a moonsault for a two count. Pantera goes for another moonsault, but Taka moves out of the way and Pantera eats the canvass. Taka goes to the top rope and comes off with a knee to the back on Pantera's head. Taka sells his injured back as he attempts the Michinoku Driver, but Pantera catches him with a small package for a very near two count. Pantera cradles Taka for another very near two count. Pantera attempts a hurricanrana, but Taka counters it into a powerbomb for a two count. Taka hits a missile dropkick from the top rope, followed by a Michinoku Driver for the three count at around 10 minutes.

Brian Christopher says he's "sick of Taka Michinoku" and he's going to "do something about it." Lawler says now "isn't the time" and, as he tries to subdue him at ringside, Taka dives on both of them. Lawler and Christopher chase Taka, who flees through the crowd.

ANALYSIS: This was surprisingly enjoyable. Pantera impressed me here. He wasn't overly flashy but had some good high spots, and he worked Taka's back very well. Nice psychology. Taka sold it quite well also. Taka gets great elevation when it's time to fly. I could have done without Lawler and Christopher's racism on commentary, but hey, Christopher's a heel and they're setting up him and Taka. **

Kevin Kelly is in the WWF AOL room with Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie. Kelly asks them who they think the mystery man is. Cactus says he doesn't care, all he cares about is revenge. He says he and Charlie have some up with "several creative ways to destroy the New Age Outlaws." Charlie says he also doesn't give a damn who the mystery man is. He calls his fists "the hospital" and "the graveyard" and he's going to use one of them on the New Age Outlaws tonight. Great line. Kelly hypes the WWF AOL coverage of No Way Out.

The Quebecers (Jacques and Pierre) enter to generic rock music. No "We're Not The Mounties," which is a pity. We are shown a recap of what went down between The Quebecers and The Godwinns on the last Shotgun Saturday Night to kick off this feud. The Godwinns (Henry and Phineas) enter. More Shotgun Saturday Night footage. Jerry Lawler says since both teams have cost each other a match that they're even. Jim Ross agrees. What about Henry beating Pierre on last Monday's Raw?

The Godwinns (Henry & Phineas) VS The Quebecers (Jacques & Pierre)

Phineas and Jacques start it out. Jacques uses some old school heel stalling tactics. They finally lock up and Phineas applies a headlock, followed by a shoulder charge. Jacques hit a dropkick and takes control. Phineas rakes Jacques' eyes and tags in Henry. Henry runs the ropes but is cheap shotted by Pierre. Pierre tags in. Pierre works Henry's left arm. The two exchange arm lock counters. About 2 minutes of arm bars here, pretty boring stuff. Finally, Pierre takes Henry down with a drop toe hold and tags out. The Quebecers double team Henry, until Henry catches both with a double clothesline. Henry tags in Phineas and The Godwinns do some double teaming of their own. Jacques' comical scream as he gets kicked in the gut is great. Phineas works Jacques' left arm. Is this a rib? Henry tags in and knee drops - yep - the left arm. Henry scoops Jacques up for a shoulder breaker on the left arm. I guess it's decent psychology that they're working on the arm. At least they're using more than arm bars. Quick tags between The Godwinns. Phineas catches Jacques and slams him down. Great facials from Jacques.

Phineas hits a leg drop for a two count. Jacques' face is rammed into Henry's boot before Henry tags in. Henry telegraphs a back body drop and Jacques catches him with a boot to the face. Henry prevents Jacques from making the tag by grabbing his leg, before tagging in Phineas. Henry beats on Jacques in the corner, while Phineas distracts the referee. Phineas goes for a pin and gets a two count. Jacques hits a sunset flip for a two count of his own. Rest hold time as Henry applies a chink lock. Jacques breaks it with a jaw breaker. Jacques attempts a piledriver, but gets back body dropped for his troubles. Phineas tags in and drops a headbutt to the groin. Who are the fans supposed to be rooting for here?

Jacques catches a charging Phineas with a boot to the face, followed by a flying elbow. This enables Jacques to make the tag. Pierre hits a big clothesline, followed by a leg drop and a powerslam. Pierre goes for the pin but it is broken up by Henry. Jacques tags in. This happens too soon for me. He's spent too much of this match getting his butt kicked. Jacques hits a piledriver and tags in Pierre. Pierre hits a cannonball off the top rope, with the aid of Jacques. Nice move.

Henry breaks up the pin attempt. Jacques knocks Henry out to the floor and dives at Henry from the top rope. I did not expect to see that from Jacques Rougeau at this point in his career. Henry practically no-sells it. Henry climbs up on the apron and catches Pierre with a clothesline. Phineas gets the three count at around 11 minutes 30 seconds. Afterwards The Godwinns attack The Quebecers with their slop buckets.

ANALYSIS: Pretty boring. The Godwinns were just past any point of being interesting, if they ever were in the first place. Pierre hit some nice moves, and Jacques' facials and old school heel mannerisms were good. I thought The Godwinns were working face, but they dominated Jacques for a long stretch and threw in some heelish spots. If you had asked me then who the more valuable team was to the WWF, I'd have said The Quebecers. The Godwinns were the wrong opponents for them. With a clean cut face team they could have done some good things. *

Dok Hendrix is backstage with the WWF Tag Team Champions, the New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn). Hendrix asks them who their mystery partner is. James says he doesn't know. James flubs several lines as he complains about not being involved in the decision making for his team. He says they feel disrespected, and that they will "grab respect if nobody's going to give it to us." Gunn repeats basically the same thing and the N.A.O. leave to find out who their partner is. This was a little odd. Why wouldn't they know, and why wouldn't they be involved in the decision? Who made the decision, Triple H or the powers that be in the WWF? Who are they mad at? Are they teasing dissension between DX and the N.A.O?

A video package airs hyping the athleticism of the WWF Superstars, followed by an ad for a "Stone Cold" t-shirt.

Jim Ross interviews Jim Cornette and the NWA North American Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett, who are backstage. Ross says the next match is Jarrett VS Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw. Hang on, weren't they hyping Bradshaw VS Barry Windham? Wasn't that the whole point of Windham turning on Bradshaw? Cornette rants about how Jarrett is going to win and we are shown footage of the NWA attacking Bradshaw, two weeks ago on Raw. Cornette hypes up Bradshaw's bad knee. Jarrett says he doesn't need the NWA's help to beat Bradshaw, before putting over his figure four leg lock, alluding to the likes of Ric Flair using it as a finisher, but saying "no one has perfected it" like Jarrett has. Jarrett also says he's not a brawler, he's a wrestler, "the worlds greatest wrestler," and "the worlds greatest entertainer."

The NWA North American Champion, Jeff Jarrett, enters with Jim Cornette, Barry Windham and the NWA World Tag Team Champions, The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson). Bradshaw enters. I guess he's dropped the 'Justin "Hawk"' part of his name again.

NWA North American Heavyweight Title Match:

(C) Jeff Jarrett (with Jim Cornette, Barry Windham, Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) VS Bradshaw

This the first time an NWA title has been defended on a WWF PPV. I really don't think they have promoted this match well enough, considering the TV time dedicated to it. I had no idea Bradshaw would be challenging for the title and, in fact, I was convinced he would be facing Barry Windham. That seems more logical to me. Jim Ross hypes up Bradshaw's knee injury. The referee orders everyone, bar Jim Cornette (who has a managers license), to leave ringside. Bradshaw attacks Jarrett outside the ring before rolling him in. Bradshaw removes his chaps and whips Jarrett across the back with them. That's not a disqualification?

Bradshaw lays in some big kicks to the face in the corner, followed by some very stiff looking chops and forearms. The crowd are loving it. Jarrett is bumping well. Bradshaw telegraphs a back body drop and is caught with a kick to the face by Jarrett. Bradshaw no-sells it and hits a big boot to the face, followed by a clothesline over the top rope, sending Jarrett to the floor. Aren't NWA rules in effect here? Cornette comforts Jarrett with a hug.

Bradshaw drops out to the floor and slams Cornette and Jarrett's heads together in a very old school, NWA-style spot. Bradshaw threatens Cornette, allowing Jarrett to attack him from behind. Back in the ring, Jarrett hits a dropkick, followed by a flying clothesline to take Bradshaw down. Jarrett hits a nice missile dropkick off the second rope for a two count. Cornette chokes Bradshaw on the ropes while Jarrett distracts the referee. Bradshaw chases Cornette but runs into a forearm by Jarrett. Bradshaw catches Jarrett with a small package for a two count. After Jarrett misses a big move, with Bradshaw draped across the second rope, Cornette nails Bradshaw's bad knee with his tennis racket. Jarrett goes to work on the knee. Bradshaw fights off an attempted figure four leg lock and swings with a lariat, but Jarrett ducks and hits a DDT. Cornette masterfully beats on the ring mat, suppsedly to encourage his man, but in reality he draws a "Jarrett sucks" chant from the crowd.

Jarrett goes to the top turnbuckle, but Bradshaw hits the ropes and Jarrett crotches himself on the turnbuckle. Jarrett blocks a suplex attempt and attempts a cross body. Bradshaw catches Jarrett and hits a fall away slam. The two take a breather before getting up and exchanging fists; Bradshaw getting the better of the exchange and following it up with a powerbomb. Cornette climbs onto the apron and Bradshaw flips him into the ring. Bradshaw Irish whips Cornette into Jarrett. With the referee distracted by Cornette, Jarrett grabs Cornette's tennis racket and nails Bradshaw. The referee has turned around in time to see it and calls for the disqualification at around 9 minutes. Bradshaw gets a hold of the tennis racket and attacks Jarrett.,Cornette and the returning Rock 'N' Roll Express. As Bradshaw continues his attack on Cornette, Barry Windham is able to grab his leg, enabling the NWA to get the better of him. Windham hits a big lariat. The Legion Of Doom (Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal) make the save. The NWA flee.

ANALYSIS: Not a bad match, if a little dull. Bradshaw had some stiff looking offense. As I noted earlier, I really don't think the WWF promoted this match correctly - surely it should have been Bradshaw VS Windham? I truly thought that was what we'd see. Maybe I'm the idiot who read things completely wrong. I guess at least the feud has been extended and the L.O.D. are in the mix. *1/2

Triple H and Chyna are backstage with Michael Cole, who asks who their mystery partner is. Triple H says "everybody in the world wants to be a part of DX" and that "the world has been beating down their door" to be their partner. Triple H says there is "no one on this planet" that can replace Shawn Michaels, and that tonight's match will be a handicap match. He says they don't need a partner to win. Aren't they the heel team? I guess they should be cocky and overconfident, but this runs the risk of making them appear heroic and bad ass in the eyes of the fans. Cole says WWF officials will appoint a partner if Triple H doesn't find one. Triple H doesn't seem to care.

A video package airs hyping WrestleMania. Mike Tyson is the main focus of it. The WWF CD cable bill offer is plugged.

Dok Hendrix is backstage with The Nation Of Domination (Faarooq, Intercontinental Champion - The Rock, Kama Mustafa, D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry). Hendrix asks about dissension within The Nation, and says he wants an answer from The Nation's leader. The Rock begins to answer, before Faarooq takes the mic and says to Rock "you're just begging me to whoop your ass ain't ya?" Faarooq says he's the leader of The Nation. We are shown a recap of Rock hitting Shamrock  with a chair on last Monday's Raw. While Faarooq drones on about Shamrock, Rock steals all the attention with some great facial work.

The Nation Of Domination (Faarooq, Intercontinental Champion - The Rock, Kama Mustafa, D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry) enter. Faarooq gives Rock a dirty look as he takes his time lining up for The Nation's salute. Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson and the Disciples Of Apocalypse (Chainz, Skull and 8-Ball) enter.

Ten Man Tag War Of Attrition Match:

The Nation Of Domination (Faarooq, The Rock, Kama Mustafa, D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry) VS Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson & Disciples Of Apocalypse (Chainz, Skull & 8-Ball)

D'Lo Brown and Skull start it out. They exchange blows. Brown gets caught with a swinging neck breaker after telegraphing a back body drop.  Shamrock tags in to a biggish pop. Shamrock hits a flying reverse elbow. Brown tags in Kama. Shamrock tags in Chainz. Chainz hits a nice big boot amidst some boring brawling. Kama tags in Henry. Henry wants Johnson. Johnson obliges. The two exchange blows. Henry gets the better off it.

Johnson takes control with a slam. Henry tags out and Brown enters. Brown attacks Johnson from behind. Johnson blocks a suplex and hits a facebuster. Brown half hits a frog splash. Johnson was a long way away. Faarooq tags in. Faarooq toys with Johnson, telling him to get up before knocking him down again. Eventually, Johnson catches Faarooq with a spinebuster. Johnson signals for the Pearl River Plunge but Rock makes the save. Johnson tags in 8-Ball who hits a big powerslam for a two count. Shamrock tags in and nearly trips over the ropes. Faarooq low blows Shamrock and tags in The Rock. Rock hits a DDT for a two count. Rock lays the boots to Shamrock in the corner, followed by punches.

Good teamwork by the Nation, as Rock slams Shamrock's head into both Brown and Henry's boots. Kama tags in. Lawler calls Kama underrated. I guess considering his later success he was, but man was he boring at this point in his career. Skull tags in and then tags out immediately to 8-Ball. I think Jim Ross is just guessing which is which. They tag again immediately. Skull gets isolated in The Nation's corner, before Kama gets a two count following a spinning heel kick. Brown tags in and lays in chops in the corner. Skull reverses it and hits chops of his own.

Brown hits a frog splash axe handle. Unique move. Brown gets a two count. Rock tags in and hits a People's Elbow. Chainz breaks up the pin attempt. Rock tags in Faarooq. Faarooq telegraphs a back body drop and gets his face slammed into the mat. Rock tags in. Skull ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Rock attacks 8-Ball on the apron, which distracts the referee. Rock and Brown double team and low blow Skull. Henry tags in and doesn't do much before Kama tags in. Kama hits a slam, followed by an elbow drop for a two count. Kama applies a headlock. A rest hold in a ten man tag match? Really?  Chainz fights out and lands a sloppy blow to Rock on the apron. Kama beats Skull down and tags in Brown. Brown hits a back breaker and goes up top. Skull moves out of the way of a moonsault.

Skull makes the hot tag to Shamrock, while Brown tags in Rock. All ten men enter the ring, as a huge brawl erupts. As everyone else peters out of the ring, Rock and Faarooq mess up an attempt to Irish whip Shamrock and Chainz into each other. Chainz takes Faarooq out of the ring, as Shamrock hits a belly to belly suplex on Rock. Shamrock applies the ankle lock for the submission win at around 14 minutes.

For some reason The Rock is furious with Faarooq. I guess he feels Faarooq was at fault for Shamrock getting the ankle lock on him and also for not making the save. Rock shoves Faarooq, and as Brown tries to intervene, Faarooq decks him. Henry and Kama keep Brown and Faarooq apart, while Rock leaves to a huge "Rocky sucks" chant. In the ring, Faarooq and Brown appear to make up. Faarooq orders Rock to return to the ring. He does so and gets in Faarooq's face again. Faarooq orders him and the rest of the Nation to line up and salute. Eventually, they do.

ANALYSIS: Not bad. Plenty of boring brawling, and we didn't see much of the superstars of the match, Shamrock and The Rock. That was good though as it keeps us anticipating another singles match between the two, especially as Shamrock got a clean submission win over Rock. In terms of in ring action, D'Lo Brown was the man who came out looking the best - he performed some nice moves and clearly has some charisma. The inevitable crumbling of The Nation edges closer. *3/4

Michael Cole is backstage with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Austin says he doesn't care who the mystery man is. He says it's "fun to beat someone's ass anywhere in the world, but if you beat someone's ass in Texas, then you've done something" and that's "exactly what he's going to do."

Jim Ross says the 16,110 fans in attendance is a record crowd in the Compaq Centre. Jerry Lawler says he has one of Steve Austin's kindergarten report cards. It says, "doesn't play well with others." Vader VS Kane is next. A video package on Vader airs, which transitions into a video package on Kane and then a recap of the Vader-Kane feud so far.

Vader enters. He is very over as a face. Kane enters with Paul Bearer.

Vader VS Kane (with Paul Bearer)

The two exchange blows to begin with. Kane takes Vader down with a clothesline. Vader on his back after a few seconds - you didn't see that very often. Kane rolls to the outside. Kane follows and the two brawl on the floor. A large Vader chant begins. Kane takes control, slamming Vader's head into the ring steps twice. Back in the ring, Vader rallies with punches before dumping Kane over the top rope. The two brawl on the floor again. Vader whips Kane into the ring post. Back in the ring, Kane goes to the top rope and comes off with a right hand.

Jim Ross hypes up the similarities between Kane and Undertaker, and wonders if we'll ever see Undertaker again. Kane chokes Vader in the corner, before suplexing him. Kane goes to the top rope again and hits a flying forearm to the back on Vader's head. Kane nails a big clothesline. Paul Bearer is looking very smug. Vader tries to fight back but Kane cuts him off. Kane bodyslams Vader. Kane leaps over the top rope, forcing Vader's throat into the top rope. As Kane attempts to reenter the ring, Vader attacks him and clotheslines him over the top rope and onto the floor.

Kane eventually reenters the ring and takes control again with a DDT. The crowd is pretty dead at this point, with Kane slowly beating on Vader. The crowd wake up, as Vader tries to take control with strikes followed by a splash in the corner. Kane no-sells it and sets up for a chokeslam. Vader low blows Kane to break it. No disqualification. Vader takes Kane off his feet for the first time with a short clothesline.

Vader hits a big splash. Bearer looks concerned. Vader climbs to the top rope and hits a moonsault. Kane sits up Undertaker-style. Vader clotheslines him over the top rope again. The two brawl on the outside again. Kane throws Vader into the ring steps. He no-sells it and immediately pulls a fire extinguisher out from under the ring. Vader sprays the fire extinguisher in Kane's face. No disqualification again. Back in the ring, Vader hits a powerbomb. Paul Bearer hops up on the ring apron. Vader knocks Bearer off the ring apron, as Kane sits up again. Kane hits a chokeslam. Vader stands right up and walks into a tombstone piledriver for the three count at around 11 minutes.

Kane goes to the outside and finds a wrench, which he returns to the ring with and nails Vader in the face. Vader is stretchered out of the arena.

ANALYSIS: I don't think this match achieved it's purpose. Vader was a big name to feed to Kane, but he needed to be well and truly fed. I'm talking about Kane no-selling a Vaderbomb, taking little or no other offense, and just destroying Vader in 5 minutes. Yes, I'd be sad to see Vader sacrificed like this but really it was the logical way to book it. I'm sure Vader wouldn't have went for that though, so maybe this is all he was willing to do. I come away from this match thinking that Vader got a lot of offense in, and if he can do it, Undertaker can do it. Undertaker is better than Vader, so I absolutely think Undertaker will beat Kane. And what was the wrench shot about at the end? To show how heinous Kane is? He's meant to be an all destroying monster, he shouldn't need weapons. Maybe that's the only way they could get Vader to agree to do a stretcher job *1/2

A video package airs hyping WrestleMania. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler say that Vader's face looks like it has been "caved in." They confirm that Triple H and the New Age Outlaws will definitely have a partner, even if WWF officials have to assign them one. A video package airs showing the build up to the main event over the past few weeks. It says Shawn Michaels will "hand pick" his replacement tonight. Again, disingenuous.

The WWF Tag Team Champions, the New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) enter. They do their usual local sports team schtick. Gunn is carrying a table. James says for those that think the N.A.O. have gone too far, they haven't seen anything yet. James introduces Triple H, accompanied by Chyna. James announces Triple H as the 1997 King Of The Ring. To a huge groan, Savio Vega is introduced as the mystery partner. Groan inducing yes, but is there anyone else better suited to the role? At least Savio and Los Boricuas have had some collaboration with DX in the past and he has has history with Austin, so it makes some kind of storyline sense.

The European Champion, Owen Hart enters. He crotch chops at Triple H which is funny. Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie enter with an assortment of weapons. They throw the weapons into the ring. Really this made little sense as they seemed to be throwing the weapons to their opponents. For some reason their opponents don't grab any. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin enters to a huge pop.

Non-Sanctioned Eight Man Tag Team Match:

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie VS Triple H, Savio Vega & New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James & "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) (with Chyna)

Austin immediately attacks Billy Gunn and a huge brawl erupts. Austin batters Gunn with a trash can lid. Austin goes for a Stunner, but Gunn avoids it and bails out of the ring. Austin begins smashing everyone with the trashcan lid. The crowd are loving it. Austin works over Triple H and gets a two count on him. Helmsley bails out of the ring, but Austin follows him and nails him across the mid-section with a mop handle, before choking him with the same item.

In the ring, Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie work over Road Dogg. Charlie gets a two count on Dogg. Cactus Jack sets up a table in the corner of the ring. Jim Ross says he's setting up a chair. Charlie whips Dogg face first into the table.

At this point, basically what we have is an out of control brawl. Owen Hart slams Billy Gunn through the table.

Owen applies the Sharpshooter on Gunn, but Helmsley makes the save. Queue lots more weapons shots. Gunn works over Austin on the floor, before Austin floors Gunn with a nice clothesline, followed by a chair shot to the back. Savio gets a two count on Charlie. Helmsley bashes Charlie's head in with a trash can and Charlies does his punch drunk routine before, Helmsley floors him with a DDT. Helmsley makes the cover, but Owen Hart breaks it up. Owen applies the Sharpshooter on Helmsley, but Road Dogg breaks it up with a chair shot to Owen's back.

Austin finally gets in the ring and goes to work on Savio in the corner. Road Dogg powerbombs Charlie onto two set-up chairs. Watching Funk do this stuff is quite difficult to watch.

The match now takes some semblance of order, as the participants gather in their respective corners, leaving Billy Gunn and Chainsaw Charlie as the legal men in the ring. Gunn piledrives Charlie on a trashcan lid. Cactus Jack breaks up a pin attempt. Helmsley enters and works over Charlie with kicks in the corner. Savio tags in as Jim Ross explains that he wasn't chosen by his teammates, but was appointed by the WWF, and that Helmsley wanted to fight 3 on 4. I can't help but think that it's poor psychology - this really runs the risk of making the heels look too bad ass to the fans.

Road Dogg tags in and nails a nice side suplex. He then picks something up from the ring canvas, looks at it bewilderedly and tosses it aside. Funny moment.

Cactus Jack breaks up another pin attempt. Charlie begins to fight back and attempts to reach his corner. Billy Gunn enters the ring and Austin throws a trash can at him in another funny moment. The heels continue to work over Charlie, while the faces get frustrated. Jim Ross says the wrestlers are "turning it up a notch" just as Savio settles into a front face lock rest hold. Charlie manages to tag Owen Hart, but the referee doesn't see it. Things aren't making much sense at this point - if anything goes, surely tags don't matter? The old heel team cuts off a face from his teammates while the heels cheat psychology just doesn't work in a No Holds Barred Match. Charlie falls out of the ring and takes a nasty landing on his head.

Charlie finally makes the hot tag to Cactus Jack who cleans house. A DDT on Billy Gunn leads to a two count. Cactus applies Mandible Claws on both New Age Outlaws. Helmsley makes the save with a low blow.

Jim Ross says the referee is only there to count the fall or call a submission. So why was he stopping the faces entering the ring then? The crowd are getting restless - they want Austin. Gunn hits a DDT on Cactus on the floor, followed by a slam. Gunn then slams the steel ring steps into Cactus's head. Back in the ring with Helmsley, Cactus is now the babyface in peril. Helmsley gets a two count following a suplex. Again, while the heels work over Cactus, the referee stops the faces from intervening.

Savio wraps barbed wire around Cactus. Cactus offers little resistance. Savio slams Cactus's barbed wire wrapped head into a steel chair. Owen Hart tries to make the save, but, of course, the referee won't let him. Cactus manages to duck a chair shot from Gunn, who inadvertently hits Road Dogg. Finally Austin gets the hot tag. The crowd goes crazy as Austin cleans house. Austin hits the Stunner on Road Dogg for the three count at around the 20 minute mark. Billy Gunn then gets a stunner for his troubles.

Chyna enters the ring and squares up to Austin. Chyna shoves Austin a couple of times. Austin tries to leave the ring, but Chyna provokes him by flipping him the double bird. Austin nails her with a Stunner to the crowd's delight. Austin celebrates in the ring, while WWF officials help Chyna to the back. Jim Ross goes into hard-sell mode for WrestleMania, while the show goes off the air.

ANALYSIS: I wasn't really too impressed with this match. It would have been much better if it was a straight tag match and not a weapons brawl. The psychology simply made no sense. There were a couple of biggish weapons spots by Terry Funk, which made for uncomfortable viewing rather than entertaining viewing. On the plus side, the characters involved were at least compelling, Austin got built up just a little bit more for 'Mania (although how much more could he be built up by the point?), and Triple H and Owen Hart were kept apart so as to keep the anticipation for their 'Mania match. 1/2*

FINAL ANALYSIS: The show between Royal Rumble and WrestleMania is always a difficult one. It's kind of like Christmas Eve - you just want to get it over with and move onto the main bit. Michaels not competing in the main event was a big blow, as the WWF proved they simply didn't have a replacement. On the plus side, Austin and Michaels have been kept apart which ups the anticipation for their match just a little more. It would have been nice to have Michaels involved in some way though, maybe at ringside. Mike Tyson too.

None of the other matches were anything great. More groundwork has been led in the Rock-Shamrock feud, and the tension within The Nation is almost at boiling point. Kane got his first win, but has already showed vulnerability. He should have squashed Vader, as much as a waste of Vader as that would have been. The Mero-Sable split edges closer. Match of the night would have to be the Light Heavyweight Title Match. The overriding feeling coming out of this event, is that at least it's out of the way and WrestleMania is next. 3/10