A blog in which I'll be reviewing every episode of WWF Raw and every WWF pay-per-view from 1998, in the order of the date they aired. The newest show review is at the top, so if you want to read them in order, please start at the bottom. If anyone has access to the 1998 episodes of Heat and Shotgun Saturday Night, and is able to supply me with these; please contact me at simoncranston@gmail.com.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Royal Rumble 1998 - January 18th 1998
The Royal Rumble opens with a video package hyping the various Superstars competing in the Royal Rumble Match was well as the WWF Title Casket Match between Shawn Michaels and Undertaker.
Royal Rumble is in San Jose, California. Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler are on commentary. Royal Rumble is presented by 1-800-COLLECT.
Ross hypes up "Stone Cold" Steve Austin from the get go and Lawler hypes up Mike Tyson being in attendance. We are introduced to the various commentary teams. Mike Tyson is shown in a sky box.
TAFKA Goldust enters with Luna Vachon. We are treated to a recap of Goldust walking out on his wife Marlena two months prior and his introducing Luna Vachon as his "new love interest." We then see the various outfits Goldust has worn over recent weeks and Goldust attacking Vader last Monday on Raw. Vader enters. Ross reminds us that Goldust and Vader were team mates at the last Survivor Series and Goldust refused to tag Vader as he betrayed Team USA, hence the feud.
Vader VS TAFKA Goldust (with Luna Vachon)
Goldust attacks Vader before the bell. Vader reverses an Irish whip and takes control with a splash. Goldust leaves the ring and Vader attacks him on the floor. The crowd are very much behind Vader who is stopped from using the ring steps by the referee. Back in the ring Vader back body drops Goldust. Luna grabs Vader's foot allowing Goldust to take control with clothelines. Goldust connects with an elbow to the midsection from the second rope. The action spills outside again as Jim Ross calls Goldust an attention seeker. Goldust hurls Vader into the ring steps and distracts the referee as Luna chokes Vader. Back in the ring Goldust is in control. He works the crowd as he punches Vader in the corner before kissing him. This angers Vader who hits Goldust with a huge clothesline. Goldust pokes Vaders eyes and attempts a slam which he can't manage and ends up hurting his back. Vader hits a suplex followed by a big splash for a two count. Vader signals for the Vaderbomb but Luna dstracts the referee as Goldust low blows Vader. Vader is able to retake control and goes for the Vaderbomb again. Luna enters the ring and jumps on Vader's back. Vader hits the Vaderbomb with Luna on his back in a pretty spectacular looking move. Vader gets the three count for the win at 8 minutes.
ANALYSIS: A fine opening match. Vader was very over, the WWF could have done so much more with him. Both men got in good offense and Vader's power moves were crisp. The finish was very entertaining as well. The result was maybe slightly odd though as Goldust was getting a bit of a push at the time, while Vader was definitely on a downward slope. I'd have thought Goldust would have gotten a sneaky, heelish win. **
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin arrives at the arena in the Stone Cold pickup truck. Michael Cole attempts to interview him. Austin refuses and tells him to park his truck without scratching it or "he'll get his damn ass whipped." Michael Cole plays up the fact that Austin is a marked man and The Godwinns (Henry and Phineas) appear and grab Cole demanding to know where Austin is. They leave in search of him.
Sunny enters as the special guest referee for the next match. Midget wrestlers Battalion, Tarantula and El Torito enter, followed by Max Mini, Nova and Mosaic. Jim Ross hypes Max Mini as the smallest professional athlete in the world.
Midget Six Man Tag Team Match:
Battalion, Tarantula & El Torito VS Max Mini, Nova & Mosaic
The midgets run through 8 minutes of high spots and arm drags with little or no psychology, while Jerry Lawler makes a lot of short jokes. Did I mention they do a lot of arm drags? Mike Tyson is shown watching the match. I wonder what he's thinking. Sunny botches a leap frog over Max Mini then lifts him and helps him kick the heels. Nice impartial officiating there. As the match draws to a close all the midgets have to get their big dives to the outside in while the others stand and wait to be hit. Never mind the fact they're also diving onto their own partners. Excruciating stuff. Max Mini pins El Torito with a cradle at almost 8 minutes. 8 minutes of this? Wow!
ANALYSIS: They've really got those arm drags down. 0*
The Nation Of Domination (Faarooq, Kama Mustafa, D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry) are shown looking for Steve Austin in his locker room. Faarooq tells Henry it wasn't his idea for Henry to join the Nation and that Henry needs to prove himself by going into Austin's locker room and "kicking his ass." The Nation burst in to find only a Stone Cold foam finger. They're furious.
Jim Ross hypes up Mike Tyson's negotiations with Vince McMahon. Tyson is shown in his sky box with Vince and Shane McMahon. Jerry Lawler says he'd "like to get within arms reach of Mike Tyson."
The Rock's Intercontinental Title defence against Ken Shamrock is next. A video package airs detailing Shamrock's rivalry with The Nation Of Domination. Shamrock has defeated D'Lo Brown, Kama Mustafa and Faarooq in recent weeks before being betrayed by Mark Henry last Monday on Raw.
Michael Cole is backstage with The Rock. An interview with The Nation Of Domination from the Royal Rumble Free For All is played in which each member of The Nation claims they will win the Royal Rumble Match. They argue with one another. Back live, The Rock calls Michael Cole an idiot when he insinuates there is dissension in the ranks of The Nation. The Rock also has a message for then US President, Bill Clinton - "when you lay down with a dog you wake up with fleas" and "don't be silly, you gotta cover it Willie." The Rock says one on one is how he wants it with Ken Shamrock and that Shamrock will have to be carried out of the building.
The Rock enters alone which the commentary team question. The crowd chants "Rocky sucks." The Rock grabs a mic and tells them that he is their Intercontinental Champion and the best Intercontinental Champion there has ever been. Ken Shamrock enters.
Intercontinental Title Match:
(C) The Rock VS Ken Shamrock
The Rock plays up to the "Rocky sucks" chants. The Rock is reluctant to lock up with Shamrock but eventually does. Rock twice tries to take cheap shots in the corner but Shamrock avoids the first and blocks the second before hitting Rock with a punch. Shamrock takes control with a karate kick before punching Rock over the top rope to the floor. Lawler plays up the "Rocky sucks" chants as being a distraction for The Rock. Back in the ring, Rock takes control with a big clothesline in the corner. Shamrock tries to rally with a hurricanrana but Rock drops him across the top rope for a two count. Rock uses the referee's five count to choke Shamrock. Good heel psychology here as Rock continually rakes Shamrock's eyes every time Shamrock tries to make a comeback. Rock throws Shamrock outside and slams his head into the ring steps before throwing him back in the ring. The ring steps had already been used in the Vader-Goldust match so this was slight overkill. Shamrock rallies with punches but Rock hits a float over DDT for a two count. Time for a rest with a chin lock. Shamrock tries to fight out but is cut off. Lawler says Steve Austin must be frightened watching the likes of Vader and The Rock. The Rock attempts another float over DDT but Shamrock counters it with a modified suplex. Both struggle to their feet. Shamrock takes control with punches. The Rock begs off but Shamrock hits a powerslam for a two count. Shamrock seems to be on the verge of "snapping". Jim Ross says Shamrock needs to keep himself under control with the title on the line. Shamrock hits a hurricanrana and calls for the ankle lock. Kama Mustafa and D'Lo Brown run in but Shamrock fends them off. D'Lo gets caught in the ropes and as the referee helps him, Rock hits Shamrock with brass knucks and puts them in Shamrock's tights. Rock covers Shamrock for a two count. Shamrock hits a belly to belly suplex for a three count at around 9 minutes. The Rock tells the referee to check Shamrock's tights as he holds his face. The ref finds the knucks and reverses the decision, awarding the match to The Rock by disqualification. Shamrock "snaps" and attacks the referee. Lawler in heel mode tries to sell that Shamrock deserved to be disqualified.
ANALYSIS: The Rock oozes charisma. He displays a good knowledge of heel psychology here, using a lot of little tricks. Shamrock came out of the match looking strong and with good sympathetic face heat having been cheated. He could have killed that by attacking the referee but the fans loved his "snapping." He didn't come across as a cry baby but as a psycho ass kicker which was very much babyface material in 1998. **3/4
We see Mike Tyson and Shane McMahon. In a Coliseum Home Video exclusive we see Shamrock attacking The Rock backstage. The Rock calls Shamrock a "piece of shit."
Jim Ross announces that Cactus Jack will be the persona used by Mick Foley in the Royal Rumble Match. Backstage, Los Boricuas (Savio Vega, Jesus Castillo, Jose Estrada Jr. and Miguel Perez) are searching for Steve Austin and attack either Skull or 8-Ball by mistake. Jim Ross says Austin is the most marked man in the history of the Royal Rumble.
The Tag Team Title match is next. A video package airs hyping the Legion Of Doom (Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal) and recapping the New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) degrading them the previous month.
The WWF Tag Team Champions, the New Age Outlaws enter. Their entrance was very entertaining. Why did the WWF stick James with such a bad gimmicks over the years when he had such natural charisma? James uses his tried and trusted method of mocking local sports teams to illicit cheap heat. The N.A.O. are wearing Green Bay jerseys. Michael Cole interviews the Legion Of Doom and hypes up Animal having a back injury due to being put through a table by the N.A.O. the previous month. Cole says doctors do not want Animal to compete tonight. Animal says doctors don't know what they're talking about and there is no way he's going to miss this match. Hawk is still missing one side of his mohawk which the N.A.O. shaved off the previous month. It didn't grow at all in a month? The Legion Of Doom enter. Jim Ross hypes the L.O.D.'s achievements whilst subtly playing up the fact that they are old.
WWF Tag Team Title Match:
(C) New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James & "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) VS Legion Of Doom (Road Warrior Hawk & Road Warrior Animal)
The four participants begin brawling immediately. Animal powerbombs and covers James. Gunn breaks up the count. Jim Ross plays up Animal's injured back as the N.A.O. try to leave and save their titles by count out. The L.O.D. retrieve them. Hawk and James are in the ring. Hawk dominates and tags in Animal. Ross hypes up how many times the L.O.D. have been written off but keep coming back as Animal applies a chin lock. James has a busted lip. Animal tags in Hawk who hits a neck breaker before turning his attention on Gunn. This allows James to make the tag. Gunn enters and is met with a Thesz press by Hawk. Animal tags in and hits some powerslams on both Gunn and James before going to another chin lock on Gunn. The L.O.D. are making quick tags. James trips Animal and Gunn knocks him to the outside. James throws Animal into the rings steps. Third time tonight. James works Animal's injured back with kicks. James and Gunn double team Hawk in the ring. Hawk turns the tide with a double clothesline. Animal is the legal man but is on the floor selling his back injury. Hawk misses a spear in the corner and hits his shoulder on the ring post. James slams Hawk's face into the ring steps and handcuffs him to the ring post. Back in the ring the N.A.O. double team Animal. Animal reverses a double suplex to hit a double clothesline while Jim Ross questions why the referee isn't making "a judgement call." Animal gets a two count on Gunn following a shoulder block. Gunn thumbs Animal's eye and slams him. Hawk is furiously trying to free himself. Animal catches Gunn attempting a cross body off the top rope and turns it into a powerslam. Animal covers Gunn but James breaks it up with a chair shot to Animal's back to give the L.O.D. the disqualification win at around 8 minutes. The N.A.O. destroy Animal with chair shots to the back. Hawk breaks free from the handcuffs and makes the save with some weak chair shots. Jim Ross hypes up how lucky the N.A.O. are while Lawler claims they are smart.
ANALYSIS: Not a bad match by L.O.D. standards at this time. The N.A.O. really heeled it up and the handcuff gimmick was a unique way to make the L.O.D. vulnerable but protect them at the same time. The result was the right one, keeping the titles on the new young team, advancing the feud and keeping the door open for further matches. *3/4
Up next is the Royal Rumble Sweepstakes for the Stone Cold pickup truck. Jerry Lawler says Steve Austin won't need it because he won't be driving out of the Royal Rumble. Is anyone else starting to think, with the commentators hyping up how everything is against Steve Austin in the Rumble Match, that he might somehow pull it off?
The Royal Rumble Match is next. A video package airs recapping all the bad ass things Steve Austin has done in recent weeks to make himself a "marked man" in the match. Mike Tyson is shown again and Jim Ross says he understands Tyson is a huge Austin fan. Howard Finkel explains the Royal Rumble Match rules.
Royal Rumble Match:
Cactus Jack has drawn number 1. He brings two metal trash cans to the ring with him. Chainsaw Charlie is number 2. Tag team partners facing off, who would have thought? Charlie enters the ring chainsaw and all. Cactus throws chairs into the ring and starts battering Charlie with chair shots. Charlie responds in kind. Charlie lifts the pantyhose up off of his face and braces himself for a chair shot. Cactus duly obliges.
Charlie stumbles around comically and asks for more. Jack hands the chair to Charlie and requests a chair shot of his own. He gets a couple.
Tom Brandi is number 3. He's immediately attacked and eliminated by Cactus and Charlie who resume their fight, this time with fists. The commentators at this point are calling Chainsaw Charlie by his real name, Terry Funk. Cactus suplex's Charlie into two set-up chairs.
The Intercontinental Champion, The Rock, is number 4. The Rock immediately goes to work on both Funk and Cactus. Cactus hits Rock with a trash can before placing the trash can over Rock's head. Cactus and Funk begin punching the can before Cactus hits it with a chair. Rock is knocked to the floor but through the ropes, not over the top. This is all pretty entertaining as far as gratuitous weapon use goes.
Charlie low blows Cactus on the second turnbuckle.
Mosh of The Headbangers is number 5. Charlie throws a chair at him as he enters but misses. Pretty dangerous move, not only for the Mosh but for the fans. Mosh beats on Charlie while Cactus works on Rock. Charlie pulls off an impressive moonsault on Mosh. Impressive but for the fact it missed.
Phineas Godwinn is number 6. Jim Ross calls him "living proof of what happens when first cousins marry" which is a lot funnier than Lawler's tired schtick. Yes his schtick was tired even in 1998, just not as tired. Maybe I do him an injustice, at least he was a heel and that made him a hundred times better.
8-Ball of the Disciples Of Apocalypse is number 7. He goes to work on The Rock as Ross hypes the rivalry between The Nation Of Domination and Disciples Of Apocalypse which is non-existent at this point. Charlie eliminates Cactus Jack when he ducks his charge. Lawler says he has a source that has informed him someone has attacked Austin and he may not make it to the Rumble. Ross says Austin would have to be hospitalized to keep him out of the match.
Blackjack Bradshaw is number 8. A lot of tag team wrestlers are entering early on. Getting the no-hopers out of the way early I guess. Chainsaw Charlie displays great athleticism for his age and condition as he hangs on for dear life to avoid elimination.
Owen Hart is number 9. Before he can reach the ring he is attacked by NWA North American Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett and Jim Cornette. Interesting. Owen was pretty tied up in his feud with DX at this point. I can't think of any reason at why Jarrett and Cornette would attack him. Owen is apparently unable to enter the Rumble.
Steve Blackman is number 10. 8-Ball hits Funk with a piledriver which he pretty much no sells.
D'Lo Brown is number 11. The commentary team hype up The Nation's strength in numbers in the match. The Rock's kicks on Blackman in the corner are fantastic. Rock and D'Lo start to work together before going to work on each other.
Kurrgan is number 12. Ross says it'll take a witch to eliminate Kurrgan. Okay... Kurrgan eliminates Mosh.
"Marvellous" Marc Mero is number 13. He enters with Sable.
Kurrgan eliminates Steve Blackman. The Rock works over his Nation teammate D'Lo.
Ken Shamrock is number 14. He goes straight for Kurrgan and knocks him down with a karate kick. The rest of the wrestlers gang up on Kurrgan and eliminate him in a classic giant Battle Royal spot.
Shamrock doesn't go for The Rock which is quite strange. The Rock hits a People's Elbow on Charlie.
Thrasher of The Headbangers is number 15. D'Lo chokes The Rock. Phineas and Bradshaw high five before Bradshaw attacks Phineas.
Mankind is number 16. Obviously this is Mick Foley's second entrance. He goes straight for Chainsaw Charlie and eliminates him. The Rock and D'Lo begin working together, double teaming Mankind. Shamrock finally goes after The Rock. Common sense and logic say he should have done this as soon as he entered the ring.
TAFKA Goldust is number 17. He enters with Luna Vachon. He has a different outfit on than he did earlier. Mankind attacks him straight away. Ross calls Goldust an "emotional invalid."
Goldust eliminates Mankind. I wonder if we'll see him again later.
Jeff Jarrett is number 18. He enters with Jim Cornette. Owen Hart runs into the ring and attacks Jarrett.
Owen eliminates Jarrett. I guess Owen is in the match now despite entering 9 numbers after the number he drew.
The Honky Tonk Man is number 19. The European Champion, Triple H and Chyna follow him down to the ring. Triple H is on crutches. The Rock eliminates Shamrock. At least this keeps their feud simmering, although Rock has gotten the better of Shamrock twice in one night. That doesn't make Shamrock look great. Triple H and Chyna use Triple H's crutches to eliminate Owen Hart and attack him. Owen is the main beneficiary of the Rumble so far as he leaves it with two feuds heating up nicely.
Owen runs to the back after Triple H and Chyna. When he gets through the curtain you can see him slip and fall which Lawler mocks. It's a little creepy now hearing Lawler laugh and say "Owen fell down!"
Ahmed Johnson is number 20. Ross says he's the only man to ever compete in the Rumble wearing earrings. He looks in pain as he enters the ring. Ross mentions Ahmed's rivalry with DX. I think he means The Nation. Lawler mentions the fact that The Honky Tonk Man is his cousin. A replay shows Rock eliminating Shamrock following a low blow. They're really selling Rock's heelishness.
Mark Henry is number 21. Lawler says Henry is the odds on favourite. When Henry goes to work on Ahmed Johnson, Ross says "Mark Henry is handling the big Johnson." Ha! Ha! So much for sending the jobbers in early to get them out of the way - most are still in there. Mark Henry throws powder in Ahmed's eyes.
No one enters at number 22. Ross and Lawler hype it up as Austin's number. D'Lo and Henry eliminate Ahmed. Henry eliminates Phineas. Phineas lands on a referee. Phineas and Ahmed fight on their way to the back. D'Lo attacks Mark Henry. Lawler laughs about the fact Austin can't compete.
Kama Mustafa is number 23. He shoves Ahmed Johnson on his way to the ring. The commentators hype up the fact that The Nation have all their members in the ring with Faarooq still to enter. The Honky Tonk Man and The Rock exchange blows which is a sight to see. Lawler hypes up Rock's endurance.
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin is number 24. The crowd goes crazy. All the Superstars stop fighting and await Austin. Austin enters from the crowd on the far side of the ring and eliminates Marc Mero and 8-Ball before he even removes his vest. The other Superstars seem to lose interest in going after Austin and resume brawling with each other. This doesn't make much sense. Mike Tyson is shown applauding Austin. Ross compares Tyson and Austin describing them both as the "toughest S.O.B.'s" in their respective fields.
Henry Godwinn is number 25. He goes straight after Austin. Ross hypes up Bradshaw's endurance while Lawler wonders who was supposed to be number 22. He says it's probably someone Austin Stunnered. The Rock and Kama go at it.
All of Los Boricuas (Savio Vega, Jesus Castillo, Jose Estrada Jr. and Miguel Perez) enter at number 26 and attack Austin. Jim Ross says only Savio is in the Rumble. As Austin fights back the other Boricuas leave. Austin hits Goldust with a low blow while Luna begs him not too. Ross is really high on Bradshaw, really putting him over in quite a homo-erotic way.
Faarooq is number 27. That means all members of The Nation are in the ring which Ross and Lawler hype as an advantage. Faarooq goes right after fellow Nation member, The Rock, who then ends up on the floor brawling with Austin. Neither man has been eliminated although Lawler claims Austin has. Rock throws Austin into the ring steps. Fourth time tonight. A replay proves Austin went through the ropes not over them.
Mick Foley makes his third entrance as Dude Love at number 28 and immediately eliminates Bradshaw. Goldust is knocked out of the ring into the ring steps. Fifth time. The Rock hits D'Lo with a People's Elbow. Austin and The Rock go at it again.
Chainz of the Disciples Of Apocalypse is number 29. He immediately attacks Mark Henry. Ross says The Rock has been in over 50 minutes which I figure to be a slight exaggeration. Mark Henry works over Austin.
Vader is the 30th and final entrant. he goes straight for Goldust which makes sense. Pay attention Ken Shamrock. Vader eliminates The Honky Tonk Man. Austin eliminates Thrasher and Kama in quick succession before being attacked by Savio. Austin reverses a piledriver into a back body drop, avoids a spinning heel kick and eliminates Savio. Goldust eliminates Vader. That was good, it gets some of his heat back from losing to Vader earlier. The eliminations are coming thick and fast now as Dude Love eliminates Henry Godwinn and Chainz eliminates Goldust. Faarooq eliminates Mark Henry while Austin eliminates Chainz. We're down to the final four - "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Dude Love, The Rock and Faarooq.
Austin has eliminated more men than anyone else. Dude Love goes after Faarooq and Austin goes after The Rock. Ross mentions that Dude Love and Austin are former WWF Tag Team Champions but insists that means nothing. Why mention it then? Dude Love hits Sweet Shin Music on Rock. Austin attacks Dude who applies the Mandible Claw. Austin low blows Dude to escape. Faarooq eliminates Dude Love. Rock sits down and watches Faarooq work on Austin. Rock sneaks up behind Farooq and dumps him out to further advance their simmering rivalry. The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin are the final two.
The Rock and Austin exchange fists until Rock rakes Austin's eyes. Austin tosses Rock over the top rope and turns away to celebrate but Rock has stayed in. As Rock attacks, Austin hits the Stone Cold Stunner and eliminates The Rock at about the hour mark to win the Royal Rumble and earn a WWF Title shot at WrestleMania 14. Mike Tyson is shown applauding Austin.
ANALYSIS: A pretty entertaining Rumble. There was only ever going to be one winner and this was telegraphed by the hyping of Austin as a marked man who not only stood no chance but at one point apparently wasn't even going to enter the match. The Rumble was pretty jobber heavy and had a LOT of tag team wrestlers. There was no one else in it with sufficient enough star power at this point to be considered a potential winner, not even the Rock or Mick Foley who were still on the lower rungs of their climb to the top. Apart from the opening weapons fest, which was novel, the in ring action was your standard Rumble fare: lots of brawling and elimination attempts. They kept it entertaining with the Austin storyline and moments like Owen Hart's being attacked and entering later, and Foley's three personas all getting an entry, even if a lot of it did defy the rules. Foley combined with the non-entrant made this a 30 man Royal Rumble with 27 entrants. A couple of feuds were advanced - the tensions between The Rock and Faarooq continue to simmer although Shamrock failed to advance his feud with Rock by not going after him as soon as he entered the Rumble. The Rock had cheated him out of the Intercontinental Title about an hour earlier. Owen Hart's feud with Triple H is advanced while he also segues into an issue with Jeff Jarrett and Jim Cornette. They're pushing Owen quite hard at this point although, as I stated in an earlier post, a part of me thinks they dropped the ball with him by not having him return after Montreal and beat Shawn Michaels for the WWF Title. The Rock came out of this the strongest, having lasted from number 4 until the end. Overall this Rumble Match was mission accomplished. We all new Austin would do it and he did. The companies rocket is officially strapped to his back. Now to watch his take off. **1/2
Michael Cole interviews Mike Tyson. Tyson calls Austin "Cold Stone" and says he's his man. When asked about the WWF Title match, Tyson says he has been a fan of Undertaker for years and Shawn Michaels is a "young, up and coming, hungry tiger."
The WWF Title Casket Match is next. Jim Ross hypes WrestleMania. Lawler falsely states that "29 other Superstars had the chance to do Austin in" but failed. A video package airs recapping the feud between Shawn Michaels and Undertaker, Undertaker's relationship with Kane and Undertaker's history in Casket Matches. It dons on me that a Casket Match doesn't make much sense because it stacks the odds in favour of the babyface. The video package, as usual, is excellently produced.
WWF Champion, Shawn Michaels enters with Degenreation X (European Champion, Triple H and Chyna). Jim Ross hypes Michaels up as the only Grand Slam winner in WWF history and says no one, not Hogan, Savage or anyone, can match him. Undertaker enters. Ross wonders where Kane is, stating he thought he might accompany Undertaker. Mike Tyson is shown crotch chopping.
WWF Title Casket Match:
(C) Shawn Michaels (with Triple H & Chyna) VS Undertaker
As the match starts Jim Ross hypes a major announcement regarding Mike Tyson the next night on Raw. Michaels takes control early on with punches. Undertaker catches Michaels diving out of the corner. Michaels is back dropped over the top rope and clips his back on the edge of the casket. This is the moment which leads to Michaels missing over four years of action.
Michaels doesn't look in too much pain. 'Taker rams Michaels head into the ring post before slamming him on the floor. Undertaker throws Michaels into the casket but he escapes before 'Taker can close the lid. Back in the ring, 'Taker takes control with a bodyslam but misses an elbow drop. 'Taker works Michaels arm and walks the ropes to perform the move known today as "old school". Michaels is flung into the corner and he flies up and over the top rope to the floor. Fantastic bump. Undertaker catches Michaels diving off the top rope and turns it into a powerslam. 'Taker rolls Michaels into the casket. Michaels blocks the casket from being closed by hanging his arm out. As 'Taker opens the casket, Michaels throws powder into 'Takers eyes. This is the second time in consecutive matches this spot is used. Was there really any need for Mark Henry to do it in the Royal Rumble Match? It didn't lead to anything so was pointless. Michaels works 'Taker with punches. A replay is shown from the camera in the casket of Michaels preparing the powder. Michaels blocks a chokeslam using the ropes and moonsaults 'Taker from the top turnbuckle. Michaels clotheslines 'Taker over the top rope and skins the cat, only to be pulled out to the floor by his feet. 'Taker slams Michaels head into the French announce desk. Lawler makes a joke about Michaels popularity in Montreal. Michaels reverses a whip into the ring steps and 'Taker takes them knees first. This is the sixth time tonight the steps have been used. Michaels lifts the steps and drives them into 'Taker's body repeatedly.
Michaels piledrives 'Taker on the steps. This was a realistic looking move aided by a great sound effect. Triple H beats and chokes 'Taker with a crutch. Ross says if Kane were here this would not be happening. Michaels hits 'Taker in the back with a chair. Michaels poses in the ring to a loud chorus of boos before dragging Undertaker back in. Ross mentions that Michaels has beaten big men before, like Diesel and Sycho Sid. Michaels rolls 'Taker into the casket. 'Taker fights his way out with uppercuts before attacking Triple H. 'Taker goes for a sunset flip on Michaels, but Michaels turns it into as winging neckbreaker before jumping on 'Takers back and locking on a sleeper. 'Taker drops to the mat as the two take a breather. Ross sells the move be saying Michaels can put the Undertaker to sleep and "let him sleep it off in the casket." Undertaker fights back to his feet as the crowd encourages him and hits a suplex to break the sleeper. Michaels hits a flying forearm and nips up. Michaels lands a beautiful elbow off the top rope to 'Taker's heart.
Michaels signals for Sweet Chin Music and hits it as 'Taker regains his feet. Michaels rolls 'Taker into the casket. Instead of closing the lid, Michaels stand over 'Taker and crotch chops. 'Taker revives and grabs Michaels by the groin before punching him back into the ring.
'Taker hammers on Michaels and hits a big sunset flip followed by a whip into the corner, a clothesline and a big boot. Michaels bumping makes these moves look fantastic. Michaels avoids a dive and 'Taker lands in the casket. I says lands but really he rolled into it in a very contrived spot. Michaels hits an elbow off the top rope into the casket. Very spectacular. The casket closes with both men inside it. Michaels escapes first but 'Taker drags him back in.
Both men emerge and back in the ring 'Taker hits a huge chokeslam and signals for the end.
'Taker lifts Michaels and tombstone piledrives him off the apron into the casket. Another spectacular spot. Before 'Taker can close the lid on Michaels, Chyna attacks the referee and the New Age Outlaws and Los Boricuas rush to the ring and attack Undertaker.
The lights go out and Kane's music plays. Kane enters. Ross says "Kane is coming to help his brother." Kane fights of Los Boricuas and the N.A.O. while Triple H and Chyna get Michaels out of the casket. Kane apparently tries to make fire burst from the ring posts but its doesn't happen.
Kane turns on Undertaker and attacks him as Ross goes into super hyperbole mode. Kane chokeslams Undertaker into the casket as Paul Bearer enters with a smile on his face. Michaels slams the casket lid shut to end the match at around 21 minutes.
ANALYSIS: A very good match, made by Michaels bumping and athleticism. This is all he more impressive considering the fact Michaels sustained a very serious back injury very early on. The finish was a typical Undertaker one. Either he wins clean or he is beaten by a combination of villainous monsters and supernatural hocus pocus. It's all rather silly but entertaining enough. Undertaker can now move into a feud with Kane as Michaels prepares for his WrestleMania match with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. ***3/4
Kane and Bearer lock the casket and wheel it up the entranceway. Kane starts to hack at the casket with an axe.
Kane pours gasoline all over the casket and Bearer lights a book of matches and hands it to Kane. Kane sets the casket alight. The casket burns as we go off the air.
Coliseum Home Video bonus footage shows some WWF personnel putting out the fire and opening the casket. The casket is empty. Undertaker's voice comes over the loud speaker telling Kane that the Undertaker will not rest in piece. Undertaker's music plays as WWF officials look baffled at the empty casket.
FINAL ANALYSIS: An entertaining show. Match quality was generally good and the main event was very good. The show could have done without the midgets.The outcome's of the Rumble Match and the Casket Match were quite predictable but the show laid the foundations for WrestleMania and generally held my attention. Austin-Michaels, Undertaker-Kane and, to a lesser extent, Rock-Shamrock are all laid out nicely for WrestleMania. Owen Hart's feud with DX, and particularly Triple H has advanced; while he also has a feud set up with Jeff Jarrett and Jim Cornette. The inevitable split between The Rock and Faarooq edges closer, the issue between the New Age Outlaws and the Legion Of Doom doesn't appear settled, and there is scope for Vader and Goldust's feud to be extended. The collusion between DX, Los Boricuas and the N.A.O. also continues. If you like your big shows to bring feuds and story lines to a conclusion then you won't like this, but really Royal Rumble is all about laying the table for WrestleMania. One gripe is the repetitive use of the ring steps throughout the course of the night. Had that been saved only for the main event it would have had more impact. 7/10
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